Resources Center


The Delhi Institute of Management and Technology College has well equipped library with more than 10000 books and periodicals. The library also has many encyclopedias in the form of CD’s which students can use to enhance their understanding of concepts or utilize during their school experience. Library is organized into various sections viz. Curricular section, Periodical section, Reference section, Multimedia section, Newspaper & magazine section, which are managed by professionally qualified librarian. The library is open for every student from 9:30am to 4:00 pm to enrich their knowledge.

Reference Service

We provide personalized reference service to our readers. It is our whole hearted endeavor to provide right and timely information. The readers can approach the staff, which provides the needful. Question Papers pertaining to previous years’ examinations are also stocked in the reference collection of the Library. The Library provides its readers the in-house Xerox facility. This enables them to get the required and non issuable reading material Xeroxed. Circulation Service.

The members can get the books issued and returned from the library according to their category. There are well laid norms for issue and return.

Book Bank Services

The needy students are issued 4 books for the whole session from the Book Bank of the Library every year.

Timings & Rules

The library remains open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday. We offer its services around the year by keeping its doors open to the readers.


  • All the students, teachers as well as the non-teaching staff members are the members of the library.
  • The Librarian at the discretion of Principal may allow others to make casual use of library.
  • Before entering the library, personal belongings of the readers must be kept at the entrance.
  • Librarian may recall any books from the borrower at any time after issue.
  • There is an overdue charge of Re.1 (Rupee One) per day on every book beyond the allowed lending period for first 10 days; Rs. 2 per day on every book for next 10 days and Rs. 10 per day on every book after that period.
  • Members are responsible for any damage caused by them to the books or other property belonging to the library and shall be required to pay the penalty imposed upon them by the Librarian.
  • Upon any infringement of the library rules, members shall forfeit the privileges of admission and membership of the library.
  • A borrower shall replace a book if it is lost while in custody.
  • In case borrower fails to replace a lost or damaged book within a month from the due date of its return, he/she shall pay to the Library the full cost of the book.
  • A person loosing or damaging Library books repeatedly shall be debarred from using the Library.
  • The reference books, journals and dissertations etc. shall not be issued.
  • In special cases, the Librarian at his/her discretion may issue a reference book for a short period.

Mathematics Resource Centre

The mathematics laboratory in the college is a place where every student can experiment and explore patterns and ideas. It is a place where one can find a collection of games, puzzles, mathematical- gadgets, equipments and other teaching -learning material meant to develop and enhance the inquiry- skills, probing question- technique and computational competencies of learners. The numerous mathematics aids are used both by the students on their own and with their teacher to explore the world of mathematics, to discover, to learn and to develop an interest in mathematics. The activities in this lab consists to a wide range ,intended to give students a practical experience of doing mathematics and enjoying it too. The activities helps students to visualize, manipulate and reason. They provide opportunity to make conjectures and test them, and to generalize observed patterns. They create a context for students to attempt to prove their conjectures. It is a place to enjoy mathematics through informal exploration. It is a place where anyone can generate problems and struggle to get answer. It is a space to explore and design new mathematical activities.

Equipment in the Resource Centre



  • Outline Map world
  • Punjab Political Cum Road Guide
  • India Natural Vegetation
  • India Rocks and Minerals
  • India-Physical
  • India-Natural Regions
  • BB Poly Art Plastic Map
  • World-Outline
  • India- Political
  • India-Industries
  • North America- Physical
  • North America-Political
  • Asia-Political
  • Asia-Physical
  • Africa-Political
  • Africa-Physical
  • Europe-Physical
  • South America – Political
  • Punjab Political and Tourist Road Guide
  • World Political cum commercial Map
  • World-Political
  • Australia – Political


  • Solar System
  • Solar and Lunar Eclipse
  • Soil Erosion
  • Composition of Water
  • Water Cycle
  • Physical Features of Earth

Art & Craft Resource Centre

To make young girls well- versed in various household managerial chores, a number of culinary, innovative, aesthetic and creative activities are taught by the expert facilitator in the well ventilated, fully equipped and modern- facilitated Home Science Lab of the college. The pupil teachers are given training in foods and nutrition, cooking, salad making, clothing and textiles, home management, interior decoration, tie and dye, flower arrangements and floor decorations (Rangoli & Alpana). The lab also has all necessary kitchen commodities like, refrigerator , hot plates, oven, microwave and other latest requirements of cooking range. Lab has working tables for performing and conducting home science tasks and practicals under the supervision of concerned teachers.

ICT/ Computer Resource Centre

The institution has computer laboratory with Wi-fi Internet facility for data entry and analysis; document generation, research publications; internet access and information sharing. M.Ed students use SPSS software for their data analysis required for research work. Teachers make use of ICT facilities for curriculum transaction and for research purposes. Students are also allowed to use computer/ ICT lab for their project work and to explore knowledge beyond curriculum. The college has well equipped ET/ Curriculum lab which serves a safe place for large number of cameras, OHPs, LCD projector, smart board, laptop, maps, globes, instructional materials, mike system, TV, audio tapes, video clips, slides, scanner, projection screen, display board, music system, slide projector, speakers, printers, stop watch etc. as part of latest teaching aids for students. CCTV cameras are installed in all the rooms and all spaces in and around campus facility. While in some classes smart boards are installed, in other OHPs are set up to facilitate the teaching- learning process optimally. Teachers carry with them their personal laptops in the classes as a supplement device. College is a complete Wi-Fi zone supporting the techno-savvy environment for the better functioning of the institute. It makes both the teachers and students engage in modern educational technology curriculum and pedagogy.

Health & Physical Education Resource Centre (Yoga)

Physical Education is the development and care of the body ranging from simple exercises to a cause of study providing training in hygiene, gymnastics and the performance and management of athletics game.

Four Objectives:

  • Appreciation of physical activity.
  • Sportsmanship development.
  • Improved social skills.
  • It include body awareness
  • Skill development and personality development

Seven Components:

  • Speed
  • Strength
  • Agility
  • Coordination
  • Balance
  • Flexibility Endurance
  • Importance

They can learn about health-related fitness and to responsibility for being physically active now and in the future. Overall, they can develop positive attitudes to physically activity and its importance in a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle.

Science Resource Centre

The college has well equipped science room. The Science Lab serves as a hands-on laboratory where inquisitive minds and science enthusiasts can explore the various domains and dimensions of scientific world to observe, experiment and analyze through discovery based teaching and learning. The lab encompasses a large collection of scientific apparatus, equipments, chemicals and educational aids to develop scientific temper and critical thinking in students. Apparatus are issued to the students for their demonstration lessons and skill in teaching examination.

Social Science Resource Centre

Our College has a well-equipped social science laboratory. It is well equipped with equipment, apparatuses and material required for the subject, which helps in creating and maintaining a much needed congenial atmosphere for effective learning. It provides a work room for the pupil-teachers because activities and the practical solution of problem characterize every unit or topic. The permanent display of important maps and globes, pictures and charts and constant reference to them by teaching is sure to make the teaching of social studies effective, lively and interesting.

Psychology Lab

Psychology Lab provides highly interactive resources for the teaching of psychological s psychological tests, theses, research studies and correlational studies, large data sets, demonstrations, and teaching aids. Everyone is invited to use the lab to further learning about psychological phenomena and the scientific process, including research methods, practical applications, and ethics. The Psychological research focuses on understanding the conscious and unconscious dynamics of the cognitive domain and other psychological constructs. The purpose is to create a research and training hub that will simultaneously advance understanding of the human brain and encourage evolutionary psychologists to incorporate teaching and learning in explanations of human thought and behavior. A large number of students visits Psychology lab to ensure the smooth continuation of their research work under the expert guidance of psychology teachers. They are provided with the facility of getting the psychology tests issued and Photostatted to carry out their research analyses work. Every year new standardized psychological tests/scales are purchased for supplementing research work.

Work Experience Lab

The art & craft resource centre is aesthetically decorated which has all the material and apparatus to cultivate aesthetic value in our students. This lab provides an opportunity for students to gain hands on experience in areas like art and craft, designing and printing, waste material utilization, painting, pot decoration, flower arrangement etc.

Medical Facility

Institute has contract with two MBBS Doctors to take care of the health of the Faculty members, non-teaching staff and students. They are available in the Institute for two days i.e. Monday and Thursday for free consultation. The institute has a dispensary in campus to meet the first aid & routine medical requirements of the students free of cost. In the dispensary the consultation is also provided to the members of faculty.